Enabling Australian independent schools to operate more efficiently and grow their enrolments.
9 schools transactions
$220 million construction value
6,000 new school places
Tomahawk Education is a leading educational advisory firm providing skills and workplace tools in the areas of finance, campus infrastructure planning and marketing. Essentially, we enable Australian independent schools to operate more efficiently and grow their student enrolments.
In five short years, we have advised on the transformation of six separate greenfield sites into flourishing campuses, providing over 6,000 school places. Additionally, we have advised three institutions on land use and development potential, which totalled capital savings of $130 million.
Over half of the property and project management assignments undertaken by our property arm involve schools and educational institutions. Tomahawk Education complements this with capabilities and workplace tools in financial planning and marketing. We know schools, we know how to implement efficiencies, and can know we can deliver the benefits of our campus master plans.
We are also the developer of Tomahawk Maps, a geo-mapping marketing tool. This assists schools in better understanding their catchment area, and in meeting their enrolment and retention goals with superior marketing and planning.