A collection of 106 luxury apartments overlooking the Swan River

The Project

A 15-storey apartment block comprising 106 apartments, basement car park, roof terrace and commercial tenancies on the ground floor. A gym, barbeque and seating areas are planned for the communal outdoor space on the third level.

Our Role

Tomahawk Property was appointed project manager early in the project, responsible for the concept design, development approvals, schematic design, design development and tender process for early contractor involvement. Planning approvals for the development were obtained in 2022. We also obtained development approval for an on-site sales suite and successfully appealed certain development conditions which added to the commercial viability of the development.


Despite planning approvals received, the project has been paused to ride out the current challenges in the construction industry.

What We Delivered

  • Project Management
  • Design Development
  • Development Approvals
  • ECI Tender Process
  • Sales & Marketing

Project contact
